Text conventions
This guide uses the following text conventions:
bold Courier text Indicates command names and options and text that you need to enter.
Example: Use the dinfo command.
Example: Enter show ip {alertsroutes}.
italic text
plain Courier text
Indicates new terms, book titles, and variables in command syntax descriptions. Where a variable is two or more words, the words are connected by an underscore.
Example: If the command syntax is
show at <valid_route>, valid_route is one variable and you substitute one value for it.
Indicates command syntax and system output, for example, prompts and system messages.
Example: Set Trap Monitor Filters
How to get Help
This section explains how to get help for Nortel products and services.
Getting Help from the Nortel Web site
The best way to get technical support for Nortel products is from the Nortel Technical Support Web site:
This site provides quick access to software, documentation, bulletins, and tools to address issues with Nortel products. More specifically, the site enables you to:
•download software, documentation, and product bulletins
•search the Technical Support Web site and the Nortel Knowledge Base for answers to technical issues