Preparing for installationStandard 1.03
Step | Description | Check | |
| |
2 | Familiarize yourself with the “Switch and network | ❒ | |
| requirements” on page 42 of this guide. |
| |
| |
3 | If you are installing the 201i server into a Meridian 1 tiered | ❒ | |
| system, do the following: |
| |
| | Change the location of the secondary backplane |
| (DS30X) connector on the 201i server (see page 48). |
| Replace the existing backplane (tip and ring) cable on the |
| |
| Meridian 1 with the one supplied with the 201i server |
| (NTRH3501) (see pages |
| |
4 | Install the intermediate SCSI cable. This cable connects the | ❒ | |
| external |
| |
| | For Meridian 1, you require two cables to complete the |
| connection between the 201i server and the SCSI device: |
| NTRH1408 and NTRH1410. See page 63. |
| | For Option 11C, you require two cables to complete the |
| connection between the 201i server and the SCSI device: |
| NTRH1407 and NTRH3502. See page 76. |
| | For Option 11C Mini or Succession 1000, you require |
| one cable to complete the connection between the 201i |
| server and the SCSI device: the NTRH3502 cable that is |
| provided in the |
| following: |
| — Option 11C Mini: page 84 |
| — Succession 1000: page 108 |
| |
5 | Set the DIP switches on the modem (see page 122). | ❒ |
36 | CallPilot |