The Océ TDS700 users
The Océ TDS700 users
The Océ TDS700 will be used by various users within your company or department. Depending on the tasks that you need to perform on the Océ TDS700 you may need certain access rights to the Océ TDS700 and the Océ TDS700 Power Logic® controller. The access rights are appointed by your company. Please contact the person responsible for the system to find out what rights and user role you need to work with the Océ TDS700. With the appointment of the user roles and the dedicated workspaces you can fully customise the system to fit with your workflow. You can configure the system for example as a centralised or a
On the Océ TDS700 the following user roles can be identified.
Overview of user rights per workspace in the Océ TDS700 Power Logic® controller
The table below indicates if the users have read rights or only view rights in the 5 main workspaces.
■X: indicates that the user has full rights in this workspace
■0: indicates that the user is only allowed to view the information in the workspace
■1: indicates that the user can switch scanner templates from the template library to the scanner operator panel.
■2: indicates that the user is allowed to lock or unlock scan destinations.
Workspace | 'Scan | Scanner | 'Preferen | 'Configur | |
User role | jobs' | jobs' | 'Template | ces' | ation' |
| s' |
| |
| |
'Anonymous' | X | X | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Repro operator | X | X | 01 | 0 | 0 |
Key operator | X | X2 | X | X | 0 |
System | X | 0 | 0 | 0 | X |
administrator |
'Anonymous' user
The 'Anonymous' user is a common user who uses the Océ TDS700 for print jobs, and possibly for
52 Chapter 3 CAD manager & CRD manager