ŸFonts Used in this Manual
This manual uses a special font to indicate terms or words that can be found directly on the PC display.
For Example: The Master Menu options change to match what you are doing. This font indicates the words Master Menu are actually found in the PC display.
ŸFile Formats
Data transferred from the
Experiment files (LOG###.BIN) are stored in binary format to conserve disk space. Experiment files contain the
The data may also be saved in Text files (LOG###.PRN) for export to spreadsheet programs. Although the software can write both types of files, it can only read the Binary (BIN) files.
The software always loads LOG001.BIN when it starts. Existing files can then be loaded using option #2 Load Existing LOG File from the Master Menu.
Experiment files are automatically numbered when saved to disk. The numbers can be controlled using Option #3 Modify Software Configuration from the Master Menu.
If the data is graphed before being saved, it has no filename. The “name” is displayed on the graph as “LOG???” to remind the user to save the data before exiting the program.
In general, the software is designed to help the user avoid losing valuable data.
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