∙Data Plots
The Data Plots in the Data Graph represent the data for each of the channels on the OM-550. Each channel is represented by a different color and corresponds to the color of its channel description in the X-Cursor Data Table
∙X-Data Cursors
Three vertical cursors terminate in boxes along the X-Axis. Each cursor can be positioned anywhere on the graph.
∙X-Cursor Data Table
Located on the right side of the Channel Data box includes the data for each X-Cursor. Each column shows the time (or point #) where the cursor is positioned and the data value on each active channel at that point. The position of an X-Cursor controls the X- values displayed in the X-Cursor Data Table. When an X-Cursor is moved, values in the X-Cursor Data Table (Time or point #) will automatically update.
Press the F9 key to toggle the X-Cursor Data Table for Time to Sample Point #.
To move X-cursor:
1.Position the mouse pointer over the small box below the vertical line and press and hold the left mouse button and drag it left or right releasing the mouse button when the X-Cursor is at the desired location.
∙There is also an option to press a function key to select an X-cursor. For example, press F2 to select the second X-cursor. When the desired X-cursor is selected the small box will turn red and then use the left or right arrow keys to move the selected X-cursor.
Moving the selected cursor can be pushed into other cursors causing them to move them along with it.