Line Hunting Order
Specifies the trunk hunting sequence for the trunk group. The hunting sequence can be programmed to start
from the lowest or highest numbered trunks, or to rotate uniformly among all trunks.
Value Range
High -> Low, Low -> High, Rotation
Maintenance Console Location
5.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG Settings
Programming Manual References
12.1 [10-1] CO Line Settings
Feature Guide References Trunk Access
CO-CO Duration Time
Specifies the length of time that a trunk-to-trunk call can be maintained before being disconnected.
Value Range
None, 1-60 min
Maintenance Console Location
5.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG Settings
Programming Manual References
12.1 [10-1] CO Line Settings
Feature Guide References
1.11.8 Trunk Call Limitation
Extension-CO Duration Time
Specifies the length of time that an extension-to-trunk call can be maintained before being disconnected.
Value Range
None, 1-60 min
Maintenance Console Location
5.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG Settings
PC Programming Manual 521
5.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG Settings