Configure the AVMD settings [Video analytics setup]
The settings relating to the detection area, depth, and schedule for AVMD can be configured on the "Video analytics setup" page.
The "Video analytics setup" page has 2 tabs of the [AVMD] tab, and the [Schedule] tab.
Set the detection program [AVMD]
Click the [AVMD] tab on the "Video analytics setup" page.
Set the detection program for AVMD. It is possible to set up to 8 preset positions (CH1 to CH4) for 8 detection pro- grams.
It is possible to set intruder detection area (3 types), object abandonment / removal detection area, and an area not to activate AVMD.
When editing the detection program, perform the same procedure.
The detection program will not be applied to the AVMD function only with setting. To apply the setting, select the detection program for "AVMD" of the [Alarm] tab on the "Alarm setup" page. (☞ page 40) However, up to 2 chan- nels of CH1 to CH4 are available.
Step 1
Select the title of desired detection program from "Detection program", and click the [DISPLAY] button.
→Setup items will be displayed.
When the detection program has already been set, the edited titles will be displayed on the
Step 2
Enter the title in "Detection program title".
Number of characters that can be entered: 1 - 20 characters
When "Detection program title" is blank, the default set- ting will be applied.
Default setting:
Step 3
Select the channel to activate the AVMD from "CH No.". Available value: 1 - 4
Step 4
Enter the preset position number to activate the AVMD in "Preset No.", and click the [GO] button.
Available value: (blank), 1 - 256
Step 5
Select the area to detect an intruder, object abandon- mentt, or object removal.
qClick one of the icons from