Step 3
Move the current directory to "sd_data" and obtain images.
•When logging in the unit, each directory will be displayed. Images on the SD memory card can be found in the "sd_data" directory. Move to the "sd_data" directory and obtain images.
<Directory structure of "sd_data">
sd_data ftp
(year/month/day) (hour/minute)
070101 0123
←Destination of logs to be saved
An image failed to transmit by the FTP periodic transmission function
(Ex. img_010701010123000.jpg)
↑The image will be saved here.
To obtain the image (img_0107010101230000.jpg) using the Windows command prompt
qEnter "c:\>ftp" and press the [Enter] key. FTP connection will be established with "".
wLog in by entering the user name and the password.
eEnter "ftp> cd sd_data/ftp/070101/0123" and press the [Enter] key. → The current directory will be "sd_data/070101/0123".
rThe transfer mode will be set to the binary mode. Enter "ftp> bin" and press the [Enter] key. t Obtain the image. Enter "ftp> get img_0107010101230000.jpg" and press the [Enter] key.
→The image will be obtained.
yLog out by entering "ftp> bye" and press the [Enter] key. → You will log out of the "FTP" directory.
•It is possible to delete images on the SD memory card using the Windows command prompt, etc.