Model 3086 G.SHDSL Integrated Access Device User Guide | F • Interworking Functions Information |
•Port: This variable defines the low layer port that will be used to transport data across the frame relay inter- face. For routed application the “frf” port should be used. For bridged applications the “fr” port should be used.
•DLCI: This variable can be set to any positive value less than 8196
Clear all Frame Relay Transports
Command: framerelay clear transport
This command can be used to clear all of the transports in the system
Delete the specified transport
Command: framerelay delete transport <name number>
Delete a single frame relay connection using either the connection name or number
•name: the name used when creating the transport
•number: the ID number found when listing the transports
List all active Frame Relay Channels
Command: framerelay list transports
List all transports currently defined in the system
Set configuration variables for the specified frame relay transport
Command: framerelay set transport <name number> <variable> <value>
Set a value for a specific frame relay variable
1.name number: specify the connection that you would like to change
2.variable: any variable from the above list
3.value: value that you would like to set
Show detailed configuration information on the specified channel:
Command: framerelay show transport <name number>
Display specific information about the frame relay connection
Frame Relay (Ethernet Based) Operations | 191 |