Aftercompleting connections or when you want
toerase all memorized settings or return the unit
toits initial (factory) settings, switch your engine
ONor set the ignition switch to ACC ON before
Feature demo mode
Thefeature demo automatically starts when
youselect the source Off. The demo continues
whilethe ignition switch is set to ACC or ON.
Tocancel the feature demo, press and hold
MUTE.To restart the feature demo, press and
holdMUTE again. Remember that if the fea-
turedemo continues operating when the car
engineis turned off, it may drain battery
Thered lead (ACC) of this unit should be con-
nectedto a terminal coupled with ignition switch
on/offoperations. If this is not done, the vehicle
batterymay be drained.
Before YouStart
En 11

BeforeYou Start