6 • Troubleshooting
Poor Envelope Feed
Envelope side | Set guides to envelope width and | |
guides set | back off 1/4 turn. |
incorrectly. |
Poor envelope | Check envelopes are not curled. |
quality. | Try a new box of envelopes. |
| Make sure stack has been fanned | |
| before loading. |
Envelopes loaded | Load envelopes flap side up with | |
incorrectly. | the flap feeding last. |
Envelopes Fail to Open |
| |
Envelopes loaded | Load envelopes flap side up with | |
incorrectly. | the flap feeding last. |
Poor envelope | Check envelopes are not stuck due |
quality. | to excessive dampness. |
| Try a new box of envelopes. |
Envelope Sealing Problems |
| |
No sealing | Refill Sealer Unit. | |
solution. |
Seal mode not | If selected, Mail Piece Icon Tree will | |
selected. | show Seal icon ( ) alongside the |
| Envelope icon. |
Envelope flaps | Try using Safe Seal. Safe Seal | |
spring open. | provides improved sealing of |
| ‘difficult’ envelopes, but slows |
| machine operation. |
Poor Sealing | It’s possible that the sealing felts | |
| need replacing. Contact your |
| machine supplier for more details. |
SV40221 Rev. A |