Appendix B-Alarms and Faults
Red Alarm When a certain timeout will be reached (after startup),
MCMS will go over the configured Spans. A configured
Span that is related to nonexistent card – will produce a
'RED_ALARM' Alert. Similarly on HotSwap: if an RTM
card (or an MPM that has an RTM extension) is
removed, MCMS will go over the configured Spans. A
configured Span that is related to the removed card – will
produce a 'RED_ALARM' Alert.
Resource process did not receive the
Meeting Room list during startup.
Without the Meeting Rooms list, the system cannot
allocate the appropriate dial numbers, Conference ID
etc. and therefore cannot run conferences
Resource process failed to request the
Meeting Room list during startup.
Without the Meeting Rooms list, the system cannot
allocate the appropriate dial numbers, Conference ID
etc. and therefore cannot run conferences
Restoring Factory Defaults. Default
system settings will be restored once
Reset is completed
Default system settings will be restored once Reset is
RTM ISDN card not found RTM ISDN card is missing.
RTM ISDN card startup procedure error The RTM ISDN card cannot complete its startup
procedure (usually after system reset)
Secured SIP communication failed
Security mode failed. Certificate not yet
Security mode failed. Certificate has
Security mode failed. Certificate host
name does not match the RMX host
Security mode failed. Certificate is about
to expire.
Security mode failed. Error in certificate
Table B-1 Alarms (Continued)
Alarm Code Alarm Description