Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File
Table C-26 Event Fields for Event 30 - GATEKEEPER INFORMATION
Field Description
Participant Name The name of the participant.
Participant ID The identification number assigned to the participant by
the MCU.
Gatekeeper Caller
The caller ID in the gatekeeper records. This value
makes it possible to match the CDR in the gatekeeper
and in the MCU.
Table C-27 Event fie lds for Event 31 - PARTICIPANT CONNECTION RATE
Field Description
Participant Name The participant name.
Participant ID The identification number as signed to the participant by
the MCU.
Participant Current
The participant line rate in Kbps.
Table C-28 Event Fie lds for Event 100 - USER TERMINATE CONFERENCE
Field Description
Terminated By The login name of the user who terminated the