2 – Operations and Administration Configuration and Monitoring Features
This trap indicates that there was a fail over from one switch in the chassis to the other.
Slot Group icsChassisTrapModuleNotResponding
This trap indicates that a module is not responding to HEARTBEAT poll requests, that are issued by the internal chassis management service.
This trap indicates that a module was inserted into the chassis. IcsChassisTrapModuleRemoved
This trap indicates that a module was removed from the chassis. icsChassisTrapModuleFailed
This trap indicates that a module has failed and is not operational. icsChassisTrapModuleSelfTestFailure
This trap indicates that the module failed one or more of its
This trap indicates that an error condition was encountered when reading the EEPROM of the module.
This trap indicates that an error condition was encountered when reading the
This trap indicates that the bulk power used by a module has failed within the chassis.
This trap indicates that the module is in the process of rebooting. Power Group
This trap indicates that a power supply is not responding to HEARTBEAT poll requests, that are issued by the internal chassis management service.
This trap indicates that a power supply was inserted into the chassis. icsChassisTrapPowerSupplyRemoved
This trap indicates that a power supply was removed from the chassis.