4 – EVIC Configuration and Monitoring Features Configuration
Actor ID
This field is set by the EVIC firmware. A remote Ethernet switch uses the combination of Actor ID and Actor Key to
Partner Port
This field is significant for only the ports having LACP Enabled. For those ports, this indicates the the port number of the remote switch at the opposite end of the Ethernet cable. This field is view only.
Partner Key
This field is significant for only the ports having LACP Enabled. For those ports, this indicates the partner key for the aggregation of the remote switch at the opposite end of the Ethernet cable. This field is view only.
Partner ID
This field is significant for only the ports having LACP Enabled. For those ports, this indicates the partner ID for the aggregation of the remote switch at the opposite end of the Ethernet cable. This field is view only.
Maximum Packet Age
Maximum Packet Age allows the user to view and/or set the maximum packet age value (in milliseconds).
Figure 4-34. Maximum Packet Age
1.From Menu, select Configuration.
2.Select Max Packet Age. The Maximum Packet Age window is displayed:
Figure 4-35. Maximum Packet Age Window
3.To change the maximum packet age, click in the Current text box and enter the new value (default equals 65,000 milliseconds).