Using Internet Fax Functions


When available memory is low, you may not be able to send Internet Fax documents.

Depending on security settings, you must specify a sender name so the receiving party can recognize the sender. Specify the sender name us- ing one of the following methods:


• Under [E-mail Account], set the

sending machine's mail address

and [Administrator's E-mail Address ], and set [Auto Specify Sender Name] to [On]. See “File Transfer”, Network Guide.

Specify a sender whose mail ad- dress is registered under Sender Settings. See “Fax Destina- tion”,General Settings Guide and p.5 “Sender Settings”, Facsimile Reference <Advanced Features>


Because the machine sends docu- ments as e-mail messages with an attached TIFF-F image, viewer ap- plications are required in order to view documents when they are re- ceived on a computer.

You can limit the size of transmit- ted e-mail messages in “E-mail Set- tings” of “Fax Features”. See p.148 “E-mail Settings”, Facsimile Refer- ence <Advanced Features> .

See p.68 “Received Images” for how e-mail is actually received by the computer when it is sent with mail options selected.

When you send Internet Fax docu- ments specifying a user code, and the e-mail address is set as the routing destination of the specified user code, a Communication Re- sult Report is sent after the trans- mission is completed. This makes it possible to verify the result of a transmission.

You can specify fax destination and Internet Fax destination simulta- neously.

You cannot send e-mails to a desti- nation as cc.

A Press to switch the destination to e-mail address.

B When you set an e-mail option, press [Sub TX Mode].

If you are not setting e-mail op- tions, proceed to step F.

C Press [E-mail Options].