Using Internet Fax Functions
❒With a large volume of docu- ment, it may take some time be- fore transmission starts. This is due to the time the machine re- quires to convert the data in memory.
❒To cancel transmission of an In-
ternet Fax, see p.64 “Canceling a Transmission of an Internet
3 Fax”.
If you send an
From Stamp Sender Name (Fax Message NO.xxxx)
❖When Stamp Sender Name is set to [Off]:•If Own Fax Number and Own Name are programmed:
From “Own Fax Number” (“Own Name”) (Fax Message NO.xxxx)
•If only Own Fax Number is pro- grammed:
From “Own Fax Number” (Fax Message NO.xxxx)
•If only Own Name is programmed: From “Own Name” (Fax Mes- sage NO.xxxx)
•If neither Own Fax Number nor Own Name are programmed: Fax Message NO.xxxx
❒“xxxx” is the document number that appears in the Journal.
p.75 “Selecting transmission options for a single transmission”, Facsimile Reference <Advanced Fea- tures>
When Internet Fax
Queries to: “Administrator's
Confirming Reception
When Reception Notice is set under
❒The Reception Notice feature is only available if the receiver sup- ports MDN (Message Disposition Notification).
❒If your fax is not received normal- ly, “Error” appears in the Result column.