Protecting Documents Stored in the Document Server
When Using PostScript 3 Printer Driver (Optional) on Windows
Connect the machine to the computer, and then install the PostScript 3 printer driver. For details about connecting, see p.9 "Connecting the Machine", Printer Reference 1. For details about installing, see p.25 "Installing the PostScript 3 Printer Driver", Printer Reference 1. For details about network configuration, contact your network administrator.
Making settings
AAccess the [Printer Properties] dia- log box.
For details about accessing the [Printer Properties] dialog box, see p.9 "PostScript 3 - Setting Up for Printing", Printer Reference 2.
BClick the [Store/History] tab.
CIf a user ID is not displayed in [User ID:].
DIn the [Job type:] list, click [Docu- ment Server.]
EEnter a file name and password, and then click [OK].
❒You can print even without en- tering a file name and pass- word.
❒Restrictions on entries are as follows:
•User ID: 8 characters
•File name: up to 16 characters
❒The security is not guaranteed if no password is entered.
❒Do not forget the password. With- out it printing is not possible.
FMake other print settings if nec- essary.
❒Some print functions cannot be selected when sending a docu-
ment to Document Server. For details, see ⇒ p.36 “Settings”.
GClick [OK].
The [Printer Properties] dialog box closes.