Key Operator Tools (for Administrator)
Delivery Server IP Address
APress the {User Tools/Counter} key. BPress [System Settings].
CSelect [Delivery Server IP Address].
DPress [←] or [→] to move between each group of three numbers.
❒If you make a mistake, press the [Clear] and enter the correct number.
EPress [OK].
FPress [Exit].
GPress the {User Tools/Counter} key.
Programing/Editing Personal Boxes
APress the {User Tools/Counter} key. BPress [Facsimile Features].
CSelect [Key Operator Tools]. DSelect [Box Setting].
ESelect a box to program.
If you program a new box, press "pNot Programed".
❒If you change a box already pro- gramed, press it and go to step
❒The security is not guaranteed if no password is entered.
❒Enter the password using up to eight characters.