1.4.3 - Using HTTP navigator - First commissioning
Start the NESCAPE application
On the Welcome screen, fill in the "Address" field with the IP address of the ADR155C equipment.
WARNING : With NESCAPE 4.5, the equipment IP address should include no non- significant '0'. Example: "" instead of ""
The navigator welcome screen "Welcome to the ADR155C's site" appears.
On the first commissioning, the password is empty; click on Apply to access "ADR155C shelf
Sview" screen.
From that moment, the navigator is operational. - Navigator Presentation
On session opening on the HTTP navigator, the "ADR155C shelf view" represents the equipment global view, where each slot is marked with a letter, A, B, C, D or M according to Figure
This screen is used to view the equipment status, in particular:
inconsistencies between configuration and composition: each slot includes the name of the expected card (top, left) and the name of the inserted card (in the middle, red coloured if necessary)
alarmed modules, framed red in the case of a major alarm, yellow for a minor alarm,
Smodules configured out of monitoring are represented greyed.
modules configured out of service include a cross to signal this administrative status.
Installation and User Guide - N56717020101
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