The screen displays the 5 communication interfaces possible, with their characteristics, and proposes to change each of them by turns. These interfaces are:
-an Ethernet port
-4 PPP (Point to Point Protocol) portes – PPP1 to PPP4 - to be chosen from the following management paths:
either at bytes D1 to D3 of channel DCC1 of an STM1 frame (named
Each interface is defined by its characteristics:
-"Port" : physical port "ETH", "PPP1" to "PPP4"
-"Admin" or interface state: "ON" (interface active) or "OFF" (interface inactive)
-"@ IP" : IP address
-"subnet mask" : subnetwork mask
-"@ IP of dest" : destination IP address (for PPP ports only)
-"Path" : management path chosen for the PPP ports (DCC1x or MNGT)
-"RIP" : management routing
)The parameterization is backed up port by port. Choice "2" : Configuration of static routes,
The screen displays the already defined management routes with their characteristics:
-"No" : reference of the route
-"destination @ IP" : destination IP address (equipment or subnetwork)
-"subnet mask" : subnetwork mask
-"next hop @ IP" : IP address of the next equipment (connected on line with the given equipment)
Installation and User Guide - N56717020101
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