3) Enter the DATABASE DOWNLOAD directory.
4) Double-click on the icon that was created by the install program in the
Windows -"NX_DOWN"
5) You will see Windows shown below.
Figure 1.1 Main Window
3. 2 Setup Of Database Downloading Program
Setup is one of the most important parts of the DOWNLOAD PROGRAM. Many
problems can result simply from an incorrect connection. The D A T A B A S E
D O W N L O A D I N G program communicates with the N X - S E R I E S via the COM
port in your computer and a port on the NX-SMDR/R-MMC card.
Select the required option and a check mark appears in the check box.
1) Choose Download / Version***
2) Select the item in the Product check box
3) Select the item in the Version check box.
4) Select the item in the Country check box(optional)
5) Select OK button.
Figure 1.2 Version & Product Dialog Box

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