Back Light
When subject is lit from behind, this function will compensate for lighting so that the subject is not too dark.
Settings | Contents | On- |
screen | ||
| display |
Off | Disables the function. | None |
On | - Backlight compensation is executed. |
- Backlight compensation brightens the |
| |
| subject quickly. |
Back lighting influences recording when the subject is darker than the background:
-The subject is in front of a window.
-The person to be recorded is wearing white or shiny clothes and is placed against a bright background; the person’s face is too dark to distinguish his/her features.
-The subject is outdoors and the background is overcast.
-The light sources are too bright.
- The subject is against a snowy | <Back light off> |
background. |
This function will be set to “Off” in the EASY Q mode.
当光源从被摄主题的后面照过来的时候,此功能可以增加被摄主题亮 度,以至于被摄主题不会太暗。
设置 |
| 内容 | 屏幕显示 |
Off( 关闭 ) | 不使用此功能。 | 无 | |
On( 打开 ) | - | 启用背光补偿。 |
- | 背光补偿快速使被摄主题亮起来。 |
| |
-被摄人物穿着白色或者明亮的衣服并且 所处的位置背景光明亮;
人物的脸色太暗以致于不能够很好地辨 别他/她的容貌。
<Back light on>
在EASY Q模式下,此功能设置为“Off”(关闭)。
You can give your recording a professional look by using special effects such as fade in at the beginning of a sequence or fade out at the end of a sequence.
Settings | Contents | |||||
display | ||||||
| |||||
Off | Disables the function. | None | ||||
On | Fader is executed. |
| |
| |||
为了使您拍摄的内容具有专业色彩,可以使用一些特殊的效果。例如在 一个片段的开始使用淡入的手法,而在结束的时候使用淡出的手法。
设置 | 内容 | 屏幕显示 | |||
Off( 关闭 ) | 不使用此功能。 | 无 | |||
On( 打开 ) | 启用淡化器。 |
| ||
61_ English | 中文 _61 |