Sennheiser ADN If a problem occurs, Conference system, Problem Possible cause Possible solution

Models: ADN

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If a problem occurs ...

If a problem occurs ...

Conference system


Possible cause

Possible solution


Central unit cannot be

The central unit is not connected to

Connect the central unit to the mains.


switched on

the mains.



Conference unit cannot be

The conference unit is not connected

Check if all plugs are connected







The cable string is too long.

Reduce the length of the cable string




or reduce the number of conference







The maximum number of requests to

Increase the maximum number of

28 or 91


speak has been reached.

requests to speak.



The chairman unit has not been initial-

If chairman units are connected after-

30 or 88


ized before use.

wards, you have to initialize them.






The central unit’s display

Changes or errors have occurred.

Check the possible causes indicated by


panel displays error icons/


the icons.


the display panel lights up








Volume of the conference

The processing of the conference

Adjusting the processing of the

32 or 94

units’ loudspeakers is too

units’ audio signals (“Audio Gain

conference units’ audio signals.


high or too low

Reduction”) is adjusted so that the




gain of each additional channel is




reduced too much or too little.




The floor channel volume is not

Adjust the floor channel volume.

48, 93 or


adjusted correctly.







Loud hissing at the confer-

The conference units are placed too

Increase the distance between the


ence units’ loudspeakers

close together.

individual conference units to at least




50 cm.



The floor channel volume is adjusted

Reduce the floor channel volume.

48, 93 or


to a very high level.







After switch-on, the dele-

You are using ADN D1 delegate units

Set a conference mode which does

26 or 90

gate units only indicate

exclusively. The conference mode

not require the grant of speaking


requests to speak

chosen requires a chairman unit




for granting speaking privileges

Use an ADN C1 chairman unit to assign



(e.g. “Request”).


the “speaking right.







Use the “Conference Manager”




software to grant speaking privileges.


Delegate unit is automati-

The speaking time limit is activated.

Deactivate or increase the speaking

28 or 91

cally deactivated


time limit.



A further speaker has made a request

Change the conference mode.

26 or 90


to speak in “Override” mode.

Increase the number of speakers who

27 or 91





can take the floor simultaneously.






No request to speak can be

The maximum number of requests to

Increase the maximum number of

28 or 91


speak has been reached.

requests to speak.




Wait until one of the current speakers



passes on his or her speaking privi-










The signal light ring

The function is deactivated.

Activate the function.

30 or 91

does not flash when a




request to speak is made









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Sennheiser ADN instruction manual If a problem occurs, Conference system, Problem Possible cause Possible solution