If a problem occurs ...
If a problem occurs ...
Conference system
Problem | Possible cause | Possible solution | Page |
Central unit cannot be | The central unit is not connected to | Connect the central unit to the mains. | 16 |
switched on | the mains. |
Conference unit cannot be | The conference unit is not connected | Check if all plugs are connected | 17 |
used/activated | correctly. | correctly. |
| The cable string is too long. | Reduce the length of the cable string | 13 |
| or reduce the number of conference |
| units. |
| The maximum number of requests to | Increase the maximum number of | 28 or 91 |
| speak has been reached. | requests to speak. |
| The chairman unit has not been initial- | If chairman units are connected after- | 30 or 88 |
| ized before use. | wards, you have to initialize them. |
The central unit’s display | Changes or errors have occurred. | Check the possible causes indicated by | 34 |
panel displays error icons/ |
| the icons. |
the display panel lights up |
red |
Volume of the conference | The processing of the conference | Adjusting the processing of the | 32 or 94 |
units’ loudspeakers is too | units’ audio signals (“Audio Gain | conference units’ audio signals. |
high or too low | Reduction”) is adjusted so that the |
| gain of each additional channel is |
| reduced too much or too little. |
| The floor channel volume is not | Adjust the floor channel volume. | 48, 93 or |
| adjusted correctly. |
| 101 |
Loud hissing at the confer- | The conference units are placed too | Increase the distance between the |
ence units’ loudspeakers | close together. | individual conference units to at least |
| 50 cm. |
| The floor channel volume is adjusted | Reduce the floor channel volume. | 48, 93 or |
| to a very high level. |
| 101 |
After | You are using ADN D1 delegate units | Set a conference mode which does | 26 or 90 |
gate units only indicate | exclusively. The conference mode | not require the grant of speaking |
requests to speak | chosen requires a chairman unit | privileges. |
| for granting speaking privileges | Use an ADN C1 chairman unit to assign | 47 |
| (e.g. “Request”). | ||
| the “speaking right. |
| |
| |
| Use the “Conference Manager” | 99 |
| software to grant speaking privileges. |
Delegate unit is automati- | The speaking time limit is activated. | Deactivate or increase the speaking | 28 or 91 |
cally deactivated |
| time limit. |
| A further speaker has made a request | Change the conference mode. | 26 or 90 |
| to speak in “Override” mode. | Increase the number of speakers who | 27 or 91 |
| ||
| can take the floor simultaneously. |
No request to speak can be | The maximum number of requests to | Increase the maximum number of | 28 or 91 |
made | speak has been reached. | requests to speak. |
| Wait until one of the current speakers | – |
| passes on his or her speaking privi- |
| leges. |
The signal light ring | The function is deactivated. | Activate the function. | 30 or 91 |
does not flash when a |
request to speak is made |