The first item on the screen, µ>8, is the alternate hypothesis of the statistical test. Supporting the alternate hypothesis in this case would mean "da Bears," on the average, win more than 8 games in a season and thus are a winning ball team. The null hypothesis is not shown on the screen because it is always the same as the alternate except it is an equality (µ=8). The second item on the screen is the observed statistic from the sample (observed t ). From it, the third item on
the screen is calculated and it represents the decision statistic (p value).
Typically in science, the .05 level of significance is used in making decisions. Deviation from this level of significance would need to be defended in a report. A .05 level of significance means that if our observed statistic from the sample falls in the rare 5%, we will reject the null hypothesis and support the alternate hypothesis.
Therefore, if your p value is less than .05 you will reject the null hypothesis and support the alternate hypothesis. In our problem, the p value is .0482 which is less than .05. Our decision is to reject the null hypothesis that µ=8 and support the alternate hypothesis that µ>8. This test clearly shows that "da Bears" average more than 8 wins a season and thus are a winning football team.
If the p value is greater than .05 you would support the null hypothesis that µ=8.
The fourth, fifth and sixth items on the screen show the sample average, sample standard deviation and sample size. On the average, "da Bears" win approximately 9 games a season.
Method of Teaching
Use Blackline Masters 10.1 and 10.2 to create overheads for performing statistical tests. Go over in detail the five parts of a statistical test and the items generated by the calculator.
Next, use Blackline Master 10.3 to create a worksheet for the students. Have the students enter the data points, compute the regression models, and overlay the models and scatter diagram. Use the topics For Discussion to supplement the worksheets.
Statistical Tests/STATISTICS USING THE SHARP | 51 |