13 - reference
termination of your Contract by Orange
4.6Orange reserves the right to terminate your Contract immediately if:
4.6.1you have failed to correct a breach of Conditions 6.4.2, 6.4.3, 6.4.4 or 6.4.5 within 7 days of being given written notice to do so
4.6.2you have breached conditions 6.4.1, 6.4.6 or 6.4.7 and have failed to correct that breach within 7 days of being given written notice to do so.
termination because Orange is no longer able to provide access to our Network
4.7If, for reasons beyond our control, we are no longer able to provide Network Services, we will either:
4.7.1make arrangements for you to be supplied with equivalent Services by another network at no extra cost to you; or
4.7.2accept written notice from you that you wish to terminate your Contract. In such cases we will
refund any
termination and Line 2
4.8Termination of your Contract for any reason connected with Line 1 will result in automatic termination of Line 2.
5 after Termination
what to do after Termination of your Contract
5.1Termination of your Contract is subject to you paying us any money you owe us and us paying you any money we owe you. After termination, it is your responsibility to cancel any direct debits, standing orders, credit card mandates or other authorisations you may have given for periodic payments to be made to us by third parties.