Orange Assistant
When you can’t take calls, you can divert them to Orange Assistant. An Orange operator will answer all your calls in person and send the messages to your phone as text messages. This way your callers are diverted to a real person instead of an answer message and can relay their messages to you quickly and easily.
There is no charge for the Call Divert to Orange Assistant or for direct calls to Orange Assistant. You only pay for the messages that you receive.
You can either pay per message or pay a monthly subscription for an unlimited number of messages. The number of messages Orange Assistant can receive and relay to you is unlimited.
Contact your company’s Orange account holder or call 07973 100 158 to set up Orange Assistant. You will be charged your standard rate.
Note: Orange Assistant cannot be used while you are abroad.
Your Siemens C55 is compatible with several accessories, such as personal handsfree car kits and data cables, to help keep you productive on the move.
Please contact your company’s Orange account holder or call 158 for information on the full range of accessories available for your phone.