13 - reference
radio waves and your phone
Specific absorption rate, or SAR, is an internationally accepted way of measuring how much radio frequency (RF) energy is absorbed by the body when a mobile phone is used.
All phones on the Orange network are designed by the phone manufacturers to comply with the relevant recommendations and standards. Orange believes that new and existing customers should be fully informed about SAR.
The SAR value for your Siemens C55 is 0.49w/kg.
Note: The SAR value for your phone has been provided to Orange by the manufacturer. By acting as facilitator for conveying this information to our customers, Orange is fulfilling its duty as a responsible retailer.
14-day phone return
All we request is that you pay for the calls you’ve already made and a percentage of the monthly subscription. Simply fill in the form supplied with your phone and take it along with your phone to your stockist.
You should retain the form for your records.