using your Answer Phoneabroad
You can still use your Answer Phone in
several countries outside of the UK.
1Simply press and hold the 1 key.
2You will be connected to your Answer
Phone. Now just press:
1to listen to your message again
2to save your message
3to delete your message
7to rewind 10 seconds
8to skip to the next message
9to fast forward 10 seconds
#to return the call
using GPRS abroad
If you use GPRS abroad you may need to
manually select the network you use to
ensure that you are roaming on a network
that supports GPRS Roaming.
Call Business Customer Services on
158from your Orange phone, or
07973 100 158 from any other phone, to
get an up-to-date list of foreign operators
that support GPRS Roaming and the tariffs
applicable to the Service Plan. You can
connect to GPRS services as if you are in
the UK when you use it abroad.
more information
For more information on International
services contact your company’s Orange
account holder or call 158.
How do I know which countries I can call
from and to using my Orange phone?
Call the Information line on 158 from your
Orange phone or 07973 100 158 from any
other phone. You can also go to to obtain an up-to-date list
of roaming destinations.

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