Office in the Monthly Digest of Statistics in any
4.3.2the variations we have made have been imposed on us as a direct result of new legislation, statutory instrument, government regulation or licence; or
4.3.3the variation relates solely to an Orange Additional Service, in which case you may cancel that Orange Additional Service in accordance with Condition 15.1.
termination of your Contract by Orange
4.4We may terminate your Contract immediately at any time in respect of any or all the Phones owned by you, in whole or in part, by giving you written notice if:
4.4.1you fail to pass any credit assessments which we may reasonably consider to be necessary from time to time;
4.4.2you fail to pay any of your bills from Orange on time;
4.4.3we have good reason for believing that any information you have given us is false or misleading;
4.4.4you become insolvent within the meaning of Section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986, or bankrupt, or if we have good reason for believing that you are unable to pay the Charges
4.4.5in addition, we may terminate your
Contract at any time after the Minimum Term has expired by giving you at least one month's written notice.
disconnection of your Service by us without written notice
4.5If we have good reason for believing that you have breached Conditions 6.4.2, 6.4.3, 6.4.4 or 6.4.5, we reserve the right to disconnect you from Network Services without notice.
In such circumstances, we may also give you written notice that if you fail to correct this breach of Conditions within 7 days, we may terminate your Contract with immediate effect.