SH NW STATS | Shows network I/O statistics | |
| Sample output: |
| WiFi statistics: | |
| TX Unicast frames: 0 | |
| TX Multicast frames: 0 | |
| TX Fragments: 0 | |
| TX Unicast octets: 0 | |
| TX Multicast octets: 0 | |
| TX Deferred: 0 | |
| TX Single retry frames: 0 | |
| TX Multiple retry frames: 0 | |
| TX Retry limit exceeded: 0 | |
| TX Discards: 0 | |
| RX Unicast frames: 0 | |
| RX Multicast frames: 0 | |
| RX Fragments: 0 | |
| RX Unicast octets: 0 | |
| RX Multicast octets: 0 | |
| RX FCS errors: 0 | |
| RX Discards no buffer: 0 | |
| TX Discards wrong SA: 0 | |
| RX Discards WEP undecr: 0 | |
| RX Msg in msg fragments: 0 | |
| RX Msg in Bad msg fragments: 0 | |
| |
SET NW ID | Sets authentication User ID | |
| This can include the realm separated by @. | |
| The default value is anonymous. | |
| Sample output: |
| SET NW ID | <user id> |
| |
SH NW ID | Shows the value of the authentication ID, including realm, if applicable | |
| The default realm is a null (blank) string. | |
| The deprecated command SH NW TTID also returns this data. | |
| Sample output: |
| anonymous@somewhere | |
| |
SET NW PW | Sets the password for the 802.1x EAP authentication, if enabled | |
| The default value is anonymous. | |
| Format: |
| SET NW PW | <password> |
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Part Number
Console Commands