Command | Description |
CLEAR PORT S1 | Aborts the active job on the port. |
JOB | If the remote host is connected, additional data received will be discarded. |
| |
| Format: |
SET PORT S1 | Sets serial port flow control to NONE, XON/XOFF, CTS, or DSR |
FLOW | The default value is none. |
| |
| Format: |
| SET PORT S1 FLOW <flow> |
SET PORT S1 | Sets serial port parity to NONE, EVEN, ODD, MARK, or SPACE |
PARITY | The default value is none. |
| |
| Format: |
| SET PORT S1 Parity <parity> |
SET PORT S1 | Sets data bits on the serial port |
SIZE | The default value is 8. |
| |
| Format: |
| SET PORT S1 SIZE [7 8] |
SET PORT S1 | Sets serial port baud rate. Options for BAUD are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 7200, 9600, |
Speed | 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600 |
| The default value is 115200. |
| Format: |
| SET PORT S1 SPEED <baudrate> |
SET PORT S1 | Sets serial port stop bits per character |
STOP | The default value is 1. |
| |
| Format: |
| SET PORT S1 STOP [1 2] |
Server Information Commands
Table 36 Server Information Commands
Command |
| Description |
| |
SET SERVEr | Sets server description string | |
Description | Format: |
| |
| SET SERVEr | DEscription |
SET SERVEr NAme | Sets server node name |
| The default value is TWC_xxxxxx, where xxxxxx are the last 6 hex digits of the | |
| MAC address. |
| Format: |
| SET SERVEr | NAme <name> |
Console Commands
Part Number
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