lFirewallsf orthe client s houldallow outboundcommunication from the client on all specified
Forbest performance, allow inboundTCP and UDP traffic to the server ont hedefault ports specified
int hef ollowingtable.
Type/protocol Use
80 TCP/HTTP lInitial connectionto the SMARTBridgit server to
displayt hew ebpage from which the users download
theSMAR TBridgitclient.
lInitial connectionto the SMARTBridgit server from
theSMAR TBridgitclient when looking for meetings
to joinor when creating new meetings.
lFallbackc ommunicationmethod forall other
SMARTBridgitfunctions when other ports are
unavailable(lowerperformancet hanother ports).
80 TCP/SMARTBridgit lPrimaryport for data, screen viewing andw ebcam
traffic for SMARTBridgit meetings.
lIf this port is limited to only HTTP, SMARTBridgit
conferencingsoftware attempts to use the
secondaryport (9933)for this traffic.
lIf this port is blocked or unavailable,SMARTBridgit
conferencingsoftware uses the HTTP on the primary
port,w hich canaff ect performance.
9933 TCP/SMARTBridgit Secondaryport for data, screenv iewingand webcam traffic
forSMAR TBridgitmeetings.
UDP/SMARTBridgit lPrimaryport rangefor VoIP audiotraffic for
lIf these ports areblocked or unavailable,
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware falls to TCP or
HTTP on the primaryor secondary port,w hich can
negativelyaffect performance.
Configuring proxy servers
Youcan configure your SMARTBridgitserver software to work w ith any proxy serverthat adheres to
theR FC 2068H TTP standard.If you install your SMARTBridgit serversoftw arebehind a proxy
server,you must create access policy rules for inboundand outboundtraffic on that proxy server. You
canf urtherenhanceyour network securityby enablingauthentication, such as basic, digestor NT
LAN Manager(NTLM) authentication.
CH A P T E R 2
InstallingSMARTBridgitsoftwar e