lFirewallsf orthe client s houldallow outboundcommunication from the client on all specified
Forbest performance, allow inboundTCP and UDP traffic to the server ont hedefault ports specified
int hef ollowingtable.
Type/protocol Use
80 TCP/HTTP lInitial connectionto the SMARTBridgit server to
displayt hew ebpage from which the users download
theSMAR TBridgitclient.
lInitial connectionto the SMARTBridgit server from
theSMAR TBridgitclient when looking for meetings
to joinor when creating new meetings.
lFallbackc ommunicationmethod forall other
SMARTBridgitfunctions when other ports are
unavailable(lowerperformancet hanother ports).
80 TCP/SMARTBridgit lPrimaryport for data, screen viewing andw ebcam
traffic for SMARTBridgit meetings.
lIf this port is limited to only HTTP, SMARTBridgit
conferencingsoftware attempts to use the
secondaryport (9933)for this traffic.
lIf this port is blocked or unavailable,SMARTBridgit
conferencingsoftware uses the HTTP on the primary
port,w hich canaff ect performance.
9933 TCP/SMARTBridgit Secondaryport for data, screenv iewingand webcam traffic
forSMAR TBridgitmeetings.
UDP/SMARTBridgit lPrimaryport rangefor VoIP audiotraffic for
lIf these ports areblocked or unavailable,
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware falls to TCP or
HTTP on the primaryor secondary port,w hich can
negativelyaffect performance.
Configuring proxy servers
Youcan configure your SMARTBridgitserver software to work w ith any proxy serverthat adheres to
theR FC 2068H TTP standard.If you install your SMARTBridgit serversoftw arebehind a proxy
server,you must create access policy rules for inboundand outboundtraffic on that proxy server. You
canf urtherenhanceyour network securityby enablingauthentication, such as basic, digestor NT
LAN Manager(NTLM) authentication.
CH A P T E R 2
InstallingSMARTBridgitsoftwar e