Youcan download or updateSMART soft waredownloads from smarttech.com/downloads.
SMART Scheduler requirementsMinimum computer requirements
SMART Scheduler serverrequirements
l2.0GHz processor
l1GB of RAM
lWindows Server2003 R2 or 2008R2 operating system
l10Mbps network interface card that supportst heTC P/IP
lNetwork connectionto y ourMicrosoft Ex changeServer
lCDO 1.2.1 (Microsoft CollaborationData Objects), version 6.5.8165.0or later. You can also
downloadthis software during thes erverinstallation.
MicrosoftExchange Server
Microsoft ExchangeServer 2003, 2007or 2010.
SMART Scheduler Outlook add-in
l2.0GHz processor
l1GB of RAM
lOutlook2003 SP3, 2007 SP2 or2010.
lNetwork connectionto y ourMicrosoft Ex changeServer
lYoumust have SMART Bridgit server installedand runningon either a separatecomputer
(recommended)or, if required, ont hesame computer where you'll install SMART Scheduler
CH A P T E R 2
InstallingSMARTBridgitsoftwar e