gTo assign anAP I authorizationpassword
1. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolsic onon the server's desktop, and
thenclic k the Securitytab.
2. Select API authorization password int heServer access passw ords area.
3. Type the passwordy ouw ant to assign.
4. Click Apply.
oYoucan assign only one API authorization password.
oTorevoke the password, clear the API authorization passwordcheck box.
oRememberto give the password to third-partyusers whose syst ems areintegrated
with SMARTBridgits oftware.
Changing SMARTBridgit server setup optionsAdministratorscan change servers etupinformation includingthe registered domainname and
primaryand secondaryport numbers.
gTo changethe server setup options
1. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolss hortcuton the server's desktop,
andthen click the Setup tab.
2. Modify the options as required.
Forinformation on theoptions, s eeSMAR T Bridgit 4.5I nstallationand syst em administrator's
Configurationchangeson this page don't take effect until y ourestart both the SMARTBridgit
MasterService and the ConferenceService in W indows Services Manager(see Controlling
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware services on page41).
Setting meeting optionsYoucan configure, enableand disable severalf eaturesof SMARTBridgit that are availableto
CH A P T E R 3
Configuringthe ser ver software