Viewingstatus information
gTo view statusinformation
3. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolss hortcuton the server's desktop, and then
click the Serverst ab.
A tableof active servers appears.The table includes the following information:
lServerIP address or domainname
lA descriptionof t heserver
lTheport being usedf orthe server
lThenumber of active meetings
lTheserver’s status, which can include the following:
oAlive - the serveris active and users can connect.
oOffline- t hes erveris off lineor the local server is unable to contact it
oOnhold - an administratorplaced the server onhold
Viewingand saving usagereportsgTo view serverusage reports
1. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolss hortcuton the server's desktop,
andthen click the Report tab.
A serverusage report for thec urrentweek appears.
2. Use the Report start date andR eport end datec alendarsto select report dates, andt hen
click Refresh.
A reportappearsf ort heperiod you select.
gTo savea server usage reportas a text file
1. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolss hortcuton the server's desktop,
andthen click the Report tab.
A serverusage report for thec urrentweek appears.
CH A P T E R 5
Administeringthe server software