Introducing SMARTBridgitconferencing software
Softwarec omponents 1
SMARTBridgitServer software (Windows only) 1
SMART Bridgit AdministrationTools 2
SMART Bridgit client software 2
Featuresand highlights 2
GlobalServer Network (GSN) option 4
SMART Scheduler 4
SMART SchedulerOutlook add-in 4
SMARTBridgit®conferencing software is a cost effectiv e client/serverapplication that lets you
easily schedulemeetings to connect, share andc ollaboratebetweenSMAR TBoardinteractive
whiteboards,interactive displays and local andremote participants anytime, anywhere.
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware supportsprivate local and wide areanetwork (LAN and WAN)
installationsas well as public deploymentscenarios thatuse a fully qualifieddomain namevia the
Fordetailed informationabout using the SMARTBridgitc lient software, referto it s onlineH elp.

Software components

Onceyou install and configure SMARTBridgitServer software, computers that meet the minimum
requirements can connectt o yours erver,download the SMARTBridgitcl ients oftware andcreate or

SMARTBridgitServer software(Windows only)

SMARTBridgitServer passes data betweenc lients andauthenticates client connections using

Chapter 1