Managing a Global ServerNetwork (GSN)

About the Global Server Network (GSN)

A SMART Bridgit GSN is a network of SMAR TBridgitservers in different geographicallocations. A
GSN optimizes bandwidthand reduces latency for enterpriseSMARTBridgit deployment.
Youdon't have to install t heGSN separately. Install the SMARTBridgits erversoftw areand use
SMARTBridgitAdministration Tools to configurethe GSN options. See Installingt hes erversoftw are
onpage 16 for installationinformation.

SMART Bridgit Servers in a GSN

Youinstall each server in a GSN as an independentSMARTBridgit Server. Once includedin a GSN,
eachindependentserver becomes a nodein the network with independentserver capabilities.

Requirements and prerequisites

Therequirementsfor a GSN Serverare the same as a standard SMARTBridgitServer. See
Preparingfor installation on page6 for details.

Settingup a local GSN server

Whenyou install SMARTBridgit serversoftware, a shortcut toS MARTBridgitAdministration Tools
appearson yourdeskt op.
lChangesmade on the Options,Audio andSecurity tabs in SMARTBridgitAdministration
Toolson one server in a GSN automatically apply to all servers in that GSN.
lYourserver name shoulddescribe your local serveri n plainlanguage.
lTheserver password is used by other servers in the GSN to add yours erver.This passw ord
is mandatory.

Chapter 4