Duringthe 60-day freeevaluation period.Af tert heevaluation version expires, users canno longer
conductmeetings on the server andmust purchaseand activate a software license.
Managing software licensespurchased prior to February22, 2012
If you purchaseda SMART Bridgit soft wareprior to February22, 2012, you got a server licensew ith
its own productk ey. You may have also purchaseda concurrentuser license with a set entitlement
that varies dependingon the user license SKU y oupurchased. The concurrentuser license SKUs
availableincluded: BDC-05, BDC-10,BD C-25,BDC -50,and BDC-MAX. TheS KU camewit hone
productkey for use wit h all of its concurrent userlic enses.
If you’re upgradingt o SMART Bridgit 4.5 software server, you don't needa new server license. You
alsomaintain the same numberof c oncurrentuser licenses you havew henyou originally purchased.
With the purchaseof a promotionalBD C-MAX SKU available for limited time only, you can upgrade
yourconcurrent userli censeentitlement to 500. For informationon upgradeoptions, contact your
Managing SMART Bridgit softwareli censespurchasedafter February 22, 2012
Toc ontinueusing the software after the free trialperiod, you needt o purchasea license beforet he
Whenyou purchase a license a SMART Bridgit software license after February22, 2012, you’re
purchasinga server license with entitlementof up to 500 concurrentusers and youreceive one
Beforeyou can successf ully install and usea S MARTBridgitserver software, you must correctly
configureyour network environment.SMARTBridgit server software doesn't automaticallydo this.
Therefore, you needaccess to various componentsof y ournetwork infrastructure beforeyou can
configureyour network environmentappropriately.
Networkadministration experience
SMARTBridgitserver software functions in a complex network environment.Do not att emptt o
install orc onfigurethe SMARTBridgit servers oftwareunless y ou’rean experiencednetwork
administratorwith a full understandingof how your network functions.
Accessto servers and infrastructure componentson your network
Differentnetwork c onfigurationsuse different types of access.
CH A P T E R 2
InstallingSMARTBridgitsoftwar e