This chaptercontains informationyou will needto preparefor installation aswell as proceduresthat
will lead yout hroughthe installation processof SMARTBridgit software andits options.
Preparing for installation
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware is scalable, so system requirementsv ary. Themaximum
numberof users that a server can supportis constrainedby both the server hardwareand the network
bandwidthavailablet o that server. Theexact numberof users supportedv ariesdependingon the
availablebandwidthand the use of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)audio and webcam
functionality. Allowing morethan the recommendednumberof simultaneous users may negatively
impact performance.To supportmore users, configuremultiple servers to operate as a GlobalServer
Network (GSN).
lTodetermine the amountof bandwidth you need,s eeBandwidth requirements onpage 54.
lYoursys tem performsbest if you use a high performanceserveror a dedicated serverw ith
noother applications installed.
SMARTBridgit server requirements
Eachs ervermust meet thef ollowingminimum requirements:
l2.0GHz or faster processor
l2GB of RAM
lWindows Server®2003 R2 or 2008R 2 operatingsystem
l100Mbps network interface card (NIC) that supports the TCP/IP
l1Gbps NI C recommended.
lIncreasedhardwarecapabilities improve overallmeeting performance.
lA single-processorserver with a 100Mb network interface can support from 200to 300
concurrentusers. To supportmore users,add multiple processorcores to theserver and
allocatemore network bandwidth.Ex ceedingthe recommendednumberof users c anaffect
CH A P T E R 2
InstallingSMARTBridgitsoftwar e