SMART Bridgit Administration Tools
SMARTBridgitServer software also includes an AdministrationTools application. You can use
SMARTBridgitAdministration Tools to configures erversand view their statuses, manageyour
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware licenses andchange password, sharingand remotec ontrol
settings. You can also use the tools to set up a message of the day andconfigure chat and video
Whenyou install SMARTBridgit Serversoftware, a shortcut toSMAR TBridgitAdministrationTools
appearson yourdeskt op.
SMART Bridgitclient softwareSMART Bridgit client software transmits meeting datat o andfrom the SMARTBridgit Server and
displays it to the meeting participants.
Featuresand highlights
lSharemultiple displays with local and remoteparticipants
lShareapplications runningon your SMART Boardinteractive whiteboard orc omputerdesktop
with meetingparticipants
lHost live demos,presentations, trainingevents, webinars andad hoc collaborativesessions
lShareand work on meetingnotes simultaneously with remote participants
lHelpc olleaguesand customers navigateInternet and intranetsit es
lRequestpermission to remotely control a meetingparticipant’s computer
lView off-site meetingparticipants using webcams
lSpeakwit h, andlis ten to, meetingparticipants using VoIP technology
CH A P T E R 1
IntroducingSMART Bridgitconferencing software