Global Server Network (GSN) option
TheSMARTBridgit GlobalServer Network (GSN) is anetwork of SMARTBridgits erversat different
geographicallocations. The GSN optimizes bandwidthand reduces latency by detectingt hef astest
serverin each GSN and then automatically connectingthe client to t hat server,regardless of the
serverthey initially connectedto.
Forexample, if there are five clients in North America and five clients in Europeall connectingto t he
samemeeting, and the GSN consists of one serveron each continent, each client automatically
connects tothe nearest, fastest server. Thisresults in only onehigh latency overseasconnection,
insteadof f ive overseasc onnections.A GSN works just as well for different buildingsin the same
city, or even different networks in the same building.
SMART Scheduler
SMART Schedulerallows you to c reatemeetings in Microsoft® Outlook® that will automatically
start on a specifiedS MARTBridgit Server. SMART S chedulermonitors the Microsoft Exchange
serverfor upcoming SMARTBridgitmeetings and starts the meeting on the SMARTBridgitServer at
SMART Scheduler Outlook add-in
Touse SMART S cheduler,install the SMART SchedulerOutlook add-inon your client computers.
This add-inconsists of a toolbarthat appears in the standardmeeting requestwindow in Microsoft
Youcan create a meeting in Outlook that uses SMARTBridgitc onferencingsoftware by selecting the
This is a SMA RTBridgit Meeting check box in the meetingc reationdialog box. Both the meeting
creatorand the attendeeswill see a bookingin their Outlook calendarthat c ontainsa link t o the
CH A P T E R 1
IntroducingSMART Bridgitconferencing software