Viewing status information
Youcan use SMARTBridgit Administration Tools to view status information for SMARTBridgit
Serversoftware, including active meetings, licenses and server usage.
Viewingactive meetings
gTo view activemeetings
3. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolss hortcuton the server's desktop, and then
click the Meetingst ab.
A tableof active meetings appears.The table includes the followinginformation:
lWhenthe meeting was created
lThemeeting’s name
lWhoc reatedthe meeting
lThenumber of participants
lTheGSN s erverhosting the meeting
Broadcasting messagesto participants
gTo broadcasta message to all meeting participants
1. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolss hortcuton the server's desktop,
andthen click the Meetingstab.
2. Select the meeting to which you want to broadcast a message,and then click S endMessage.
3. Type the messagey ouw ant to broadcastin the Message box.
4. Click OK.
Yourmessage appearson each meeting participant'ss creen.
CH A P T E R 5
Administeringthe server software