MicrosoftExchange Server
Microsoft ExchangeServer 2003, 2007or 2010.
SMART Scheduler Outlook add-in
l2.0GHz processor
l1GB of RAM
lOutlook2003 SP3, 2007 SP2 or2010.
lNetwork connectionto y ourMicrosoft Ex changeServer
lYoumust have SMART Bridgit server installedand runningon either a separatecomputer
(recommended)or, if required, ont hesame computer where you'll install SMART Scheduler
Installing SMART Scheduler server software
TheSMARTScheduler Serversoftw areinstallation file is includedwit h yourSMAR TBridgitserver
gTo locatethe SMAR TSchedulerServer softwareinstallation file
Onthe computer where you'reinstalling the software, browse to your SMARTBridgit Serverby typing
int headdress bar, where <> isthe URL of your SMARTBridgitServer.
Onyour SMARTBridgit server, go to
C:\Program Files\SMART Technologies\SMART Bridgit\SMARTSchedulerInstallers
andthen copy the SMARTSchedulerServerSetup.exefile to the computery ou’reinstalling it on.

Installingthe software

Theports that the Microsoft Ex changeServer or Exchangeclient use dependupon the versions
installed.The network administratorc anrestrict the Exchange Server's rangeof allowed TCP ports or
canmap static TCP ports. R eferto t heMic rosoft ExchangeServer and Outlookc lients section in this
articlehttp:/ /
CH A P T E R 6
Using SMARTScheduler