gTo activateyour license by phone
1. Call SMART Technical Support( andrequest yourproduct key
andinstallation ID.
The Support representativeuses your product key and installationI D to create andprovide
youractiv ationkey.
2. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolsic onon the server's desktop, and
thenclic k the Licensing tab.
3. Right-click the license you want to activ ate in theLicenses f ors electedserver t able,and then
select Activate.
4. Click Activate Manually,and then type the activation key.
5. Click OK.
After you activate the productkey, your license informationappearsin t heLicenses for
selecteds erver tableand the relatedli censes tatus changest o Activated.
Removingserver or user licensesIf you removea s erverlicense or a bundleof user licenses, the productkeys remainv alidand you can
addthem again at any time.
gTo remove server or user licenses
1. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolsic onon the server's desktop, and
thenclic k the Licensing tab.
2. Right-click the license you want to remove in the Licenses for selected server table, andt hen
select Delete.
A confirmationdialog box appears.
3. Click OK.
CH A P T E R 2
InstallingSMARTBridgitsoftwar e