gTo make SMARTBridgit software'sprimary port available
1. Stop applicationst hat use SMART Bridgit software’s primaryport.
2. OpenSMAR T BridgitAdministration Tools andconfigure SMART Bridgit software. Formore
information,see Verifying SMART Bridgit server configuration.
3. Close SMART Bridgit Administration Tools.
4. Start the applications that you stoppedin step 1.
Troubleshooting SMART Scheduler
After the you install andconfigure SMART Scheduler, it runs silently as a Windows service. I t doesn't
havea user interface when running,and it doesn't create a log file by default. Follow these steps to
gathermore informationwhen troubleshooting.
gTo display a SMARTScheduler serverlog
1. Opena C ommand Prompt window, and thenbrowse to the SMARTScheduler Server folder.
Thedefault folder is C:\Program Files\SMARTTechnologies\SMARTScheduler Server.
2. Type net stop "SMARTScheduler Server",andt henpress ENTER.
TheSMARTScheduler serverservice s tops.
3. Type SMARTSchedulerServer.exe,andt henpress ENTER .
TheSMARTScheduler serverservice s tarts. A series of text lines appear.
4. Look for andrecord any errorinformationin t helog that can help you identify a problem.
5. Press CTRL+C.
Theserver stops and the commandprompt returns.
6. Type net start"SMAR TSchedulerServer", andt henpress ENTER .
TheSMARTScheduler serverservice s tarts.
gTo createa server log file
1. Opena C ommand Prompt window, and thenbrowse to the SMARTScheduler Server folder.
Thedefault folder is C:\Program Files\SMARTTechnologies\SMARTScheduler Server.
2. Type net stop "SMARTScheduler Server",andt henpress ENTER.
TheSMARTScheduler ServerWindows service s tops.