9. Configurethe ports using the following options:
PrimaryTCP port By default, SMARTBridgitc onferencingsoftware uses port 80as its
primaryport. If y ourserver is running anotherapplicationthat uses
port80, you must assi gnSMAR TBridgitconferencings oftwaret o an
unoccupiedport. Configureyour firewall to allow incoming and
outgoingTCP traffic on your chosen port.
TCP port
By default, SMARTBridgitc onferencingsoftware uses port 9933.If
youw ant to use a differentport, make sure it doesn't conflict with any
otherapplications runningon the server computer.
If your serveris runninganother applicationthat uses either of these
ports, youmust assign SMARTBridgit software’s primaryand
secondaryports to unoccupiedports. C onfigureyour firewall to
allowi ncomingand outgoingTCP t raffic on the chosenports.
EnableUDP ports
Wheneverpossible, SMARTBridgit conferencingsoftware uses UDP
foraudio transmission to avoid the additionaloverheadof TCP in a
timing-sensitivesit uation.SMAR T strongly recommendsthat you
enableUDP to minimize audio lag in SMARTBridgit meetings.You
must opena range of UDP ports (9901t o 9920)on your firewall to use
this feature.
oIf you configureSMARTBridgit server software to use a TCP
portthat isn’t the default, usersmust specify the port when
connectingto the server. For example, to connect to a
SMARTBridgitserver on port 8080,users must t ype
server.company.com: 8080.
oA UDP port supports up to 10participants with optimal
performance. By default,SMAR TBridgitconferencing
softwareopens 20 UDP ports t o allow approximately200
concurrentparticipants. Openmore ports to accommodate
oIf your network uses a firewall, you must configureit to allow
incomingTCP and UDP traffic on these ports.
10. Click Next.
TheServer Password Security page appears.
CH A P T E R 2
InstallingSMARTBridgitsoftwar e