SMARTBridgit conferencing software and SMARTMeetingPro™ software
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware is integratedwith SMAR TMeetingPros oftwareand
SMARTProductDriversto provides creensharing ands imultaneousviewing of multiple shared
displays, VoIP and webcamf unctionality. SMART Bridgit works best with SMAR TMeetingPro3.0
andSMARTMeetingProPremiumv ersion2.1 and 2.2. For detailedinformation ont his functionality,
referto SMARTMeetingProdocumentation.
SMARTBridgit conferencing software and SMARTNotebook™coll aborative learning
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware is integratedwith SMAR TNotebooksoftware and
SMARTProductDriversto provideinst antc onferencingcapabilities. SMART Bridgit works best with
SMART Notebook versions10.8 and 11 andSMA RTProductDriversversions 10.8 and11. For
detailedinformationon this functionality, refer to SMARTNotebooksoft waredocumentation.
CH A P T E R 1
IntroducingSMART Bridgitconferencing software