SMARTBridgit conferencing software and SMARTMeetingPro™ software
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware is integratedwith SMAR TMeetingPros oftwareand
SMARTProductDriversto provides creensharing ands imultaneousviewing of multiple shared
displays, VoIP and webcamf unctionality. SMART Bridgit works best with SMAR TMeetingPro3.0
andSMARTMeetingProPremiumv ersion2.1 and 2.2. For detailedinformation ont his functionality,
referto SMARTMeetingProdocumentation.
SMARTBridgit conferencing software and SMARTNotebook™coll aborative learning
SMARTBridgitconferencings oftware is integratedwith SMAR TNotebooksoftware and
SMARTProductDriversto provideinst antc onferencingcapabilities. SMART Bridgit works best with
SMART Notebook versions10.8 and 11 andSMA RTProductDriversversions 10.8 and11. For
detailedinformationon this functionality, refer to SMARTNotebooksoft waredocumentation.
CH A P T E R 1
IntroducingSMART Bridgitconferencing software