2. In the server usagereport, select the entries you want to save.
Ensureno entries ares electedif you want to save the entire report.
3. Click Save Report.
If no entriesare selected, a Save As dialog box appears.Skip st ep5.
If entries areselected, a Save All Items dialogbox appears.Proceed to step 5.
4. Click Save Al l Entries or Save Selection.
ASaveA s dialog box appears.
5. Enter a file nameand destination, and thenclic k Save.
Setting log purge frequency
Youcan control how longthe logs toresinformation aboutserver usage.The default valueis 30 days,
which meanslog entries older than30 days are automatically deletedfrom the log. You can use any
setting between1 and 120 days.
gTo set log purge frequency
1. Double-click the SMART Bridgit Admi nistration Toolss hortcuton the server's desktop,
andthen click the Report tab.
2. Enter the numberof days you want the log to store information forin t heLogs purgedaft er box.
3. Click Apply.
Managing servers and meetings
Youcan change the connections tatus of servers andend meetings using SMARTBridgit

Placinga server on hold

Whenyou place a server on hold, it doesn't allow users to connect, but it doesn't end active
Place a serveron hold when you want to performmaintenance onthe server. This allows act ive
participantsto finish t heirmeetings, and allows you to maintain the serverw henthey’re finished.
CH A P T E R 5
Administeringthe server software