SDLT 600 Product ManualChapter 5: Using Your Tape Drive
If… | Then… | You should… |
System does not recognize | Interface bus may not be | If the SDLT 600 tape drive system is last or |
the SDLT 600 tape drive | terminated correctly. | only device on bus (except for adapter), be |
system. (continued) |
| certain the terminator is installed on the |
| SDLT 600 tape drive system. |
| If the SDLT 600 tape drive system is not the |
| last or only device on the bus, check the |
| cable connections and ensure that the bus is |
| properly terminated at each end. |
| Interface terminator may not be | Ensure that a terminator is installed at each |
| at end of bus or more than two | end of the bus. One terminator is usually |
| terminators may be present. | installed at the host end of the bus. |
| Interface bus may be too long. | Limit bus length to ANSI interface standard |
| for the interface interface being used. |
| Too many devices on the bus. | Limit the number of devices on the bus |
| (including the interface adapter) to match |
| the limits of the interface being used. |
| A device may not have been | Turn the tape drive power on first, and then |
| turned on and a valid interface | turn on power to the system. Do this so that |
| ID may not have been | the tape drive is properly recognized by the |
| configured before the system | system. |
| powering on and loading BIOS. |
The tape drive does not | No power is reaching the tape | Check the tape drive’s power cable |
power on. | drive. | connection at the back of the system. |
Nonfatal or fatal errors | Interface bus termination or the | Ensure the SCSI bus is terminated and that |
have occurred for which | interface bus cable connections | all connections are secure. Use an AC outlet |
the cause cannot be | may be incorrect. | for the tabletop tape unit on the same AC |
determined. | The AC power source | line used by the host system. |
| |
| grounding may be incorrect |
| (tabletop version). |
March 2004 |